Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

tugas english 3

Name          : Fauzan Alfiansyah
Class           : 3EB11
Npm            : 25209222
Lazio captain arrested over match-fixing
Associated Press, Cremona, Italy | Mon, 05/28/2012 7:19 PM
Italian authorities arrested Lazio captain Stefano Mauri and more than a dozen others Monday as part of a wide-ranging investigation into match-fixing in football.
Police also swept through the Italy national team training site near Florence as part of the operation.
The Italian football federation said Mauri was one of 14 people arrested and later announced that Zenit St. Petersburg defender Domenico Criscito would not be in Italy's European Championship squad after it emerged the player was being investigated.
Two police cars arrived at the national team's training site at around 6:25am local time (0425 GMT) and left more than two hours later. Criscito's house in Genoa was also searched.
Criscito had been in Italy coach Cesare Prandelli's provisional 32-man squad for Euro 2012, but was left out of the final 23-man group.
The coach of Italian champion Juventus, Antonio Conte, was also placed under investigation for alleged wrongdoing while he was coach of Siena and his house in Turin was searched.
"Conte's reaction is that of someone who's completely innocent and strongly determined to prove his total innocence," Conte's lawyer, Antonio De Rencis, said.
Siena president Massimo Mezzaroma has also been placed under investigation.
"The searches are connected to what's happening with Siena," said Cremona prosecutor Roberto Di Martino. "There are seven, eight games being looked at and there have been statements that make us think they were manipulated. The searches involved players, coaches and directors of the club, including Conte and Mezzaroma.
"We shouldn't place too much emphasis on the blitz at Coverciano, it is a problem that concerns only Criscito and not other players in the national team at the moment," Di Martino said, before the squad was announced.
"Also we shouldn't place too much emphasis on this anyway, the notification of an impending investigation is a tool we have, but not a guilty judgment. There's been no action taken against Criscito traveling, he can play at the Euros easily."
Criscito, who did not take part in Italy's training session, has reportedly asked to be heard by the authorities as soon as possible.
Action has been taken against 19 people, 11 of whom are footballers or former footballers — 14 have been arrested, three have been placed under house arrest and two others are to present themselves to authorities. Five of the arrests were made in Hungary.
"It's devastating news," former Italy and current Ireland coach Giovanni Trapattoni said. "If the authorities are acting it's because there's something there."
Mauri has been accused of sporting fraud. Most of the footballers accused now play in Serie B or lower leagues, although one, Omar Milanetto, spent five years at Genoa before joining Padova in 2011.
Numerous others have had their houses searched, including Chievo Verona's Sergio Pellissier.
More than 50 people have now been arrested in Italy in the past year as part of the probe started by judicial authorities in Cremona.
Former Atalanta captain Cristiano Doni was banned from football for three and a half years last summer, and former Lazio captain Giuseppe Signori was also arrested.
Serie A clubs Atalanta, Novara and Siena were among the 22 Italian teams notified at the beginning of this month that they are being investigated by sports authorities.
Prosecutors in Cremona have detailed an extensive match-fixing ring stretching as far as Singapore and South America that was allegedly in operation for more than 10 years.
"It will be impossible to go right to the end with this because my office is not equipped to do so," Di Martino said. "If people wanted, we could go on forever but there's very few personnel.
"It will be impossible to go ahead with this for a long time."
1.      Action has been taken against 19 people, 11 of whom are footballers or former footballers — 14 have been arrested, three have been placed under house arrest and two others are to present themselves to authorities. Tindakan diambil terhadap 19 orang, 11 di antaranya adalah pemain atau mantan pemain sepakbola - 14 telah ditangkap, tiga telah ditempatkan dalam tahanan rumah dan dua lainnya adalah untuk menampilkan diri kepada pihak berwenang. (Present Perfect Tense)
2.      Mauri has been accused of sporting fraud. Most of the footballers accused now play in Serie B or lower leagues, although one, Omar Milanetto, spent five years at Genoa before joining Padova in 2011. Mauri telah dituduh olahraga penipuan. Sebagian besar pemain dituduh sekarang bermain di Serie B atau liga yang lebih rendah, meskipun satu, Omar Milanetto, menghabiskan lima tahun di Genoa sebelum bergabung Padova pada tahun 2011. (Present Perfect Tense)
3.      The searches are connected to what's happening with Siena," said Cremona prosecutor Roberto Di Martino. Pencarian yang terhubung ke apa yang terjadi dengan Siena, "kata jaksa Cremona Roberto Di Martino.(Simple Present Tense)
4.      Former Atalanta captain Cristiano Doni was banned from football for three and a half years last summer, and former Lazio captain Giuseppe Signori was also arrested. Mantan kapten Atalanta Cristiano Doni dilarang dari sepakbola selama tiga setengah tahun musim panas lalu, dan mantan kapten Lazio Giuseppe Signori juga ditangkap.(Simple Past Tense)

NATO raid rescues 4 aid workers in Afghanistan
Associated Press, Afghanistan | Sat, 06/02/2012 4:56 PM
ATO forces swooped in by helicopter before dawn Saturday to rescue two female foreign aid workers and their two Afghan colleagues who were held by militants for nearly two weeks in a cave in northern Afghanistan.
British Prime Minister David Cameron hailed the "breathtaking" operation, which he approved Friday afternoon after becoming increasingly concerned about the safety of the hostages, one of whom, 28-year-old Helen Johnston, was British.
Johnston was kidnapped along with Moragwe Oirere, a Kenyan, and the two Afghans on May 22 in Badakhshan province. The four work for Medair, a humanitarian non-governmental organization based near Lausanne, Switzerland.
The rescue operation was carried out by British troops in cooperation with other NATO and Afghan forces, Cameron told reporters outside 10 Downing Street in London. He said it was "extraordinarily difficult" to decide to go ahead with the operation, which involved a "long route march" without being discovered.
"It was an extraordinarily brave, breathtaking even, operation that our troops had to carry out," said Cameron. "We will never be able to publish their names but the whole country should know we have an extraordinary group of people who work for us who do amazingly brave things."
All four hostages were rescued safely, no British troops were injured and a number of Taliban militants and kidnappers were killed, said Cameron.
Sumber : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2012/06/02/nato-raid-rescues-4-aid-workers-afghanistan.html
5.      All four hostages were rescued safely, no British troops were injured and a number of Taliban militants and kidnappers were killed, said Cameron. Keempat sandera berhasil diselamatkan dengan aman, tidak ada tentara Inggris terluka dan sejumlah militan Taliban dan penculik tewas, kata Cameron. (Simple Past Tense)

China prepares for Greek eurozone crisis exit
Lan Lan, Chen Jia and Oswald Chen, Asia News Network ( China Daily ), Beijing, China/Hong Kong | Tue, 06/05/2012 9:43 AM
The Chinese government is drafting plans to address the potential consequences of a Greek exit from the eurozone as leading Chinese economists warned that such a scenario could plunge the global economy into a new recession.
"The government is working on plans for the worst-case scenario of Greece leaving the eurozone later this year," Wang Haifeng, director of international economics at the Institute for International Economic Research, under the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), told China Daily.
"A plan is being drafted to cushion the possible effect on the exchange rate, capital flow, as well as its influence on trade," said another senior economist, who requested anonymity.
The ministries of finance and commerce are involved in working on the plan, sources said.
Greeks go to the polls on June 17 amid growing concern about the country's possible exit from the eurozone.
"How this entire issue develops will have a direct effect on China and its economy," said an official of the Ministry of Commerce, who also declined to be identified.
But the Chinese economy is strong enough to handle any such emergency in the eurozone, Zhang Yansheng, secretary-general of the academic committee of the NDRC, said.
"Even if the worst-case scenario happens and Greece leaves the single currency bloc, the economy will be controllable.
"It would be unwise to overact," he said, adding a massive stimulus package, similar to the one in 2008, was not necessary.
The lessons China drew from the previous financial crisis, following the collapse of Lehman Brothers, was to prioritise shifting the economic structure, he said.
After that crisis, the western regions of China saw greater investment and achieved faster growth than the central and eastern regions, he said.
Wang Jun, a senior economist with the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges, a government think tank, said there is no need for China to worry about the consequences of Greece exiting, as the exposure is narrow.
Greece only accounts for a small slice of bilateral trade between China and Europe, but the risks lie in a possible chain reaction, said Song Hong, director of the Department of International Trade at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Europe would obviously be affected but it could also drag down the US and Japanese economies, two other large trading partners of China.
Willem Buiter, an economist at Citigroup, agreed that a chain reaction, or contagion, could hit the global economy.
European GDP growth may shrink this year into negativity and any Greek exit would dampen growth prospects for a long time, he said.
In this scenario, the Chinese economy would be hit, said Liu Shiguo, a researcher at the Institute of World Economics and Politics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
"Definitely, China's finance market will also encounter a short-term shock."
A Greek exit could spur sovereign defaults, credit crunches and depreciation of the euro, leading to an unhealthy yuan appreciation and affect China's trade.
"In addition, euro assets, which are estimated to account for more than 20 per cent of China's massive foreign exchange reserves, could shrink," Liu said.
Chinese banks should supply credit for Chinese companies when European banks are in trouble, Liu said.
Keeping a close eye on lending is crucial, said Wang Haifeng under the NDRC.
The Greek case is a warning for Chinese banks to pay attention to their lending, especially to local debt platforms.
Buiter said Greece is likely to start sovereign debt restructuring this year or next. It is also possible, he said, that the European Union may launch a bank-restructuring fund to directly inject capital into banks bypassing governments.
Some Chinese companies have yet to see any impact on their business in Greece. China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company, the largest State-owned shipping conglomerate in China, said it had not yet adopted "specific measures" against Greece's possible exit from the eurozone.
In 2008 the company signed a 4.2 billion-euro (US$5.3 billion) contract to operate Greece's Piraeus port, the biggest container port in the country, for up to 35 years.
Hong Kong's economy could be hit hard by a Greek exit from the eurozone, the region's financial secretary John Tsang told the city's legislators on Monday.
"Being a small and open economy, Hong Kong must prepare itself for the challenges brought about by the rapid deterioration of the macroeconomic environment globally."

Sumber : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2012/06/05/china-prepares-greek-eurozone-crisis-exit.html

6.      "A plan is being drafted to cushion the possible effect on the exchange rate, capital flow, as well as its influence on trade," said another senior economist, who requested anonymity. "Rencana sedang disusun untuk meredam efek yang mungkin pada kurs, arus modal, serta pengaruhnya terhadap perdagangan," kata seorang ekonom senior, yang meminta anonimitas. (Present Continuous Tense)

World dengue vaccine could be ready by 2015
Asia News Network (The Straits Times), London | Fri, 06/08/2012 11:55 AM
One of the grimmest legacies of the war in the Pacific is still being fought 70 years on, but a victory over dengue – the intensely painful “breakbone fever” which the conflict helped spread around the world – may be in sight.
Paris-based drug firm Sanofi hopes for positive results in September from a key trial among 4,000 children in Thailand that would set it on course to market a shot in 2015 that would prevent an estimated 100 million cases of dengue infection each year.
Early tests of the trial have shown a balanced immune response against all four dengue types.
“Everything they've done so far looks very good,” said Duane Gubler of the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School.
He expects that Sanofi's vaccine will show an efficacy rate of at least 75 to 80 percent.
Orin Levine of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said the new vaccine is a potential breakthrough, but warned that its roll-out may not be straightforward.
The vaccine needs to be given in three separate doses over the course of a year in order to counter the threat from the four different types of dengue virus.
Health-care experts would prefer a single-dose or, at most, a two-dose vaccine for mass immunization. A simpler regimen would also be better for militaries and travelers.
In any case, Sanofi is spending €350 million (US$438 million) on a new vaccine factory near Lyon, which is already in test production. If the trial data is good, Sanofi will file for market approval in countries where dengue is endemic like Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Mexico next year, suggesting a regulatory green light in 2014 and commercial launch in early 2015.
Dengue spread to global pandemic proportions during World War II, partly due to the massive movements of armies through the Pacific theatre. In the past 50 years, there has been a thirtyfold jump in cases.
The World Health Organization officially puts infections at 50 million to 100 million a year, though many experts think this assessment from the 1990s badly underestimates the disease.
Most patients survive but dengue is estimated to kill about 20,000 every year, many of whom are children.
7.      One of the grimmest legacies of the war in the Pacific is still being fought 70 years on, but a victory over dengue – the intensely painful “breakbone fever” which the conflict helped spread around the world – may be in sight. Salah satu warisan grimmest perang di Pasifik masih berjuang 70 tahun, tapi kemenangan atas berdarah - yang sangat menyakitkan "breakbone demam" yang konflik membantu menyebarkan seluruh dunia - mungkin terlihat. (Present Continuous Tense)
Russia: We won't back a foreign force in Syria

(CNN) -- After days of international shuttling on what to do with the troubling situation in Syria, Russia's foreign minister said Saturday his country will never agree to foreign intervention.Despite warnings of Syria spiraling into a civil war, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a televised briefing in Moscow there was no alternative other than implementing Special Envoy Kofi Annan's peace plan, despite its failures.
"The situation looks more and more grim," Lavrov said. "For the first time since the beginning of this crisis we see the question of foreign intervention. And our position remains unchanged. We will never agree to sanction the use of force in the U.N. Security Council."
He called foreign intervention a "dangerous game" and said it would have serious consequences in the entire region. He also blamed the recent violence, which has included horrific reported massacres in Houla and Qubeir, in part to opposition groups being supported by other nations.Russia, along with China and four Central Asian nations, has signed a joint declaration rejecting armed intervention in Syria and reiterating support for Annan's peace plan.Russia and China -- both Security Council members -- have also blocked proposed United Nations efforts to punish President Bashar al-Assad's regime with sanctions.
Lavrov suggested an international conference on Syria to work out a way to make the peace plan stick. That conference, he said, should include Iran and not focus on regime change in Syria."If the Syrians agree [on Assad's departure] between each other, we will only be happy to support such a solution," Lavrov said. "But we believe it is unacceptable to impose the conditions for such a dialogue from outside."
Lavrov's comments came on a day when intense fighting flared across Syria and after many hours of international discussions this week on how to get the failing peace plan back on track.At least 96 people, including many women and children, were killed Saturday, said the opposition Local Coordination Committees of Syria.Many of the reported deaths were in Daraa, a southern city near the Jordanian border that the opposition group said was raided and shelled starting Friday night."Several doctors have been detained to prevent them from aiding the wounded amid a state of panic among residents due to the abuses regime forces are committing against the people there," the group said.A doctor in the besieged city of Al Qusayr, near the Lebanese border, said he has to keep moving his makeshift hospital to prevent attack. Journalist Robert King documented the chaos in the hospital on video as medical staff rushed to save lives.King said he has seen snipers targeting children.
The city of Homs came under heavy bombardment Saturday. Regime forces stormed one neighborhood amid intense gunfire and shelled a mosque and church, the Local Coordination Committees said.
At least 26 people died in Homs, including the mayor of the Khalidiya neighborhood, according to the group. It said another 26 people died in Idlib.Another opposition group, the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, reported a total of 17 government forces were killed in clashes with rebels across the country.CNN cannot independently confirm reports of casualties or violence as the Syrian government has restricted access by international journalists.In another sign of escalating attacks, rebels battled government forces in the heart of Damascus on Friday, sparking fierce explosions in a rare and bold move for the fighters, video purportedly from the scene showed.
Meanwhile, the Syrian government said an "armed terrorist group" was behind an attack on a power station in a Damascus neighborhood Friday. Firefighters extinguished the fire and crews are working to restore electricity to affected areas.The state-run Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that the bodies of 57 policemen and soldiers -- many of them officers -- were transported from military hospitals in several cities to funerals in hometowns.
International leaders accuse al-Assad of failing to comply with a peace plan brokered by Annan, a special envoy on Syria for the United Nations and the Arab League.
Annan, who has been meeting with U.N. officials, is trying to salvage the peace plan to end the 15-month anti-government uprising.
As part of the plan, U.N. observers have been in Syria to monitor whether both sides are abiding by the agreement.

8.  International leaders accuse al-Assad of failing to comply with a peace plan brokered   by Annan. Pemimpin internasional menuduh al-Assad dari melanggar rencana perdamaian yang ditengahi oleh Annan.  (simple present tense)